The top 7 benefits of learning Spanish are pretty self explanatory. The top reason being that Spanish is a universal language and everybody speaks it. It’s actually the third most spoken language in the world today. If you are bilingual in English and Spanish, that’s great. The top reason to learn Spanish is that you can communicate with the majority of the world.
7 Benefits of Learning Spanish
- There are many reasons to learn a second language whether you want to be able to speak Spanish for business or travel to a Spanish speaking country for vacation. The top reason to learn Spanish is because it opens up a whole new world to you. Spanish is spoken almost like an official language in many countries and most if not all businesses will have some form of Spanish on their website. There are Spanish restaurants in almost every city and country around the globe.
- The second reason to learn Spanish is because of the major benefits when it comes to job prospects. Companies will generally hire a person who can speak at least two languages fluently. Companies tend to prefer a bilingual employee over a non-bilingual employee. Now that we are living in a global society, this is even more true than ever before.
- Thirdly, you will open yourself up to a whole new world of opportunity. As mentioned before, most companies require you to be bilingual if you want to work in their industry. This opens you up to new opportunities. Now you don’t have to limit yourself to jobs within your own country. Spanish is widely spoken throughout much of the rest of the world and there are Spanish speaking countries that are right next to your own. You can travel to these countries, work for them and live in them full time without having to deal with any other language.
- Fourth, Spanish is the second most popular second language. While English is the most common first language, that does not mean that Spanish is not growing in popularity. One reason for this is that there are more job opportunities for people who can speak at least one language fluently. People who can speak at least two languages are even more likely to advance in their careers.
- Fifth, Spanish is widely spoken in all areas of the world including the United States. It’s used in business as well as informal conversations, so not only does it give you another language to use (you are already familiar with the basics), but it also puts you ahead of the competition when it comes to getting hired for a new position. When you apply for a new job, employers always check your fluency and knowledge of a new language. This means that knowing at least some Spanish puts you above the rest!
- Sixth, Spanish is a very important language to learn because millions of people who speak Spanish are abroad, in other countries. These people can be an excellent resource for you in business because they can help you get an edge over other companies that do not have Spanish speakers working for them. Companies that do not speak Spanish have to resort to hiring temporary employees who speak Spanish, or else they would miss out on the opportunity to do business with companies in Spanish-speaking areas. Knowing Spanish not only helps you get hired faster, but it can also help you land the position that you want faster than companies that do not.
- Seventh, Spanish is the fourth most popular second language spoken by residents in the U.S. Not only do you have the chance to speak another language in a country where Spanish is one of the primary languages spoken, but you also have the chance to expose yourself to millions of people who speak Spanish. When you expose yourself to other cultures, you broaden your horizons. Spanish is a great language to expose yourself to because it has both historical and societal significance.