For many students, the idea of using a textbook hire scheme can be appealing. The idea of saving money by not having to buy books may seem like a good thing in the short term. However, in the long run, it is likely that a textbook hire scheme will end up costing the student more money than they will save. As well as the obvious issues of having to purchase books that the student cannot really use in their coursework, there are other costs that are associated with this type of student loan. In fact, there are some long-term costs that can occur, which can prove problematic for the student if they are not prepared for them.
Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme
One of the first costs that become evident is that there is an actual cost involved in the textbooks that are bought on the scheme. This cost is not just the cost of the books, but it is a cost that cover the actual purchase, preparation and distribution of the textbooks. It also includes the cost of buying printer paper from the retailer, the cost of buying ink for the printers, and the cost of the binding and enveloping the textbooks. These are all costs that can vary considerably from one textbook to another.
For this reason it is extremely important that the prospective student is aware of the costs associated with the textbook scheme before making any decisions. In addition to this, it is imperative that the student be made aware of the terms and conditions of the scheme so that they are fully aware of what they are agreeing to.
Many of the Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme advantages are only relevant if the student intends to use the text book for study.
For example, there may be benefits to the individual student based on their subject, their ability and suitability for a particular course or the level of their English. However, there will be other Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme that will not relate to the use made of the text book for study. These include the cost of the text book and the value that it will create for a person as a present or future teacher.
The cost of purchasing a textbook is considerably less than what it would cost for a person to buy a printed version of the same text. In addition, there are no extra costs such as postage and packing for the distribution of the text book. All the expenses that would be incurred in printing a copy of the text book are eliminated in this scheme. For students, Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme are a cost effective way to bring a text book to their attention.
As mentioned above, the Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme are advantageous to students who intend to use the text book.
However, there are other individuals and institutions that will see Advantages of a Textbook Hire Scheme differently. In particular, students may be more inclined to use a text book that they have already purchased than one that they have not. This is because using an already-owned textbook allows the individual to familiarize himself with the terms and concepts that are contained in the text book.
An additional advantage of using a textbook is that it enables a student to retain information that they have learnt and retain it better than if they had only used an outline. outlines are designed to provide a student with a short term memory of the concepts and ideas that they have learnt. However, with a text book, a student is provided with a permanent record of those concepts and ideas. A text book also allows a student to understand the different forms of organization that are associated with the subject matter of the text book. Again, the advantage of a text book purchase over an outline is that the student will be able to retain information longer.
One of the other advantages of a text book hire scheme is that it provides the student with more time to complete their assignments.
An additional advantage of a text book hire scheme is that it allows the student to use more of their own time on projects. For example, if a textbook is being used by a student then it may contain projects that can be completed whilst the textbook is being used. Text books usually contain project examples which allow students to get an idea of what to work on and how to approach a specific assignment. It may be possible to buy more textbooks than needed during the year so that it is always there should any teaching aspects require supplementary reading.
Textbook rentals are a popular method of studying, and many universities and colleges now offer textbook rentals. This is a great way of getting into the habit of reading text books. Renting a text book is usually very inexpensive compared to buying one. The advantage of renting text books is that there is no ownership or commitment to read the books that are rented. This gives students the opportunity to read as many text books as they like without the worry of potentially damaging or losing them.